Easily upload files to your WordPress blog with Gmail-like Drag & Drop File Uploader

One real pain point when it comes to blogging with WordPress is uploading images and other files. In short, it’s slow and seems to take more steps than it really should. If you’re running a self-hosted WordPress blog though, help is at hand.
Drag & Drop File Uploader is a new plugin for WordPres.org blogs that adds a box below the post editor pane, allowing you to drag and drop files directly. Images are added directly to the current post and you can even drop multiple files on it at the same time.
If you’ve ever tried this method of uploading from Google Docs and Gmail, you’ll know how convenient it can be. As it’s an initial release, be prepared for occasional bugs to crop up. That said, if (like me) uploading files via the standard method is starting to grind your gears, this is well worth a try.
