Now, we will link SFDC Sandbox to VS Code using SFDX. Please go through Salesforce DX : An Overview to know basics of SFDX.
Please Repeat steps of Downloading and installing SFDX CLI from this post: How to create Scratch Orgs : Salesforce DX
Please follow the below steps:
Step 1: Please go to View ==> Command Palette or press ctrl+shift+p and select SFDX: Create Project with Manifest then choose Standard Project Template.
Step 2: It will give you option to enter Name of the project. Please add the name and then choose folder where u want to save the project.
Step 3:Please again open Command Palette and give command as "SFDX: Authorize an Org" and then choose "Project Default".
Step 4: Then enter below commands:
1. sfdx force:mdapi:retrieve -r ./temp -u <org alias here> -k ./manifest/package.xml
2. unzip ./temp/ -d ./temp/
3. sfdx force:mdapi:convert --rootdir temp
After these command your Sandbox will be connected to the VS Code Project.
If any queries please post comments for that.
Please provide your feedback and issues in comments.
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